DST Triple Sense full gait analysis system takes patient performance to the next level using data from force plates and advanced software. Provides optimal rehabilitation treatment tailored to patient's needs and capabilities.
The DST Triple Sense combines all three mandatory gait functions –flat-surface walking, climbing stairs and negotiating slopes, with the most advanced gait analysis technology, providing a comprehensive, evidence-based treatment. It helps diagnose, treat, and study patients’ ambulatory capabilities on neurological, orthopedic, and geriatric rehabilitation.
The system provides data regarding uneven weight distribution, step length and time, center of mass positioning, weight distribution of the foot, and more. The obtained information will help you identify the root cause of patient’s impairment, create an accurate treatment plan, keep track of a patient’s progress, and reveal the risk factors inherent in dangerous situations, such as falls. The bottom line is simple –optimal treatment efficiency, maximum rehabilitation potential, and reduction of rehab costs and duration.