Kinvent Physio testing

Kinvent Physio testing

Kinvent Physio : making physiotherapy, rehabilitation and competitive sports goals measurable

Kinvent Physio offers innovative measuring devices that make training, performance and development in sports, physiotherapy and rehabilitation measurable. Awayfrom the subjective assessment to objective, professional measurability of rehabilitation developments and performance developments.
The innovative Kinvent Physio range offers a extensive product selection for measuring Power, Range of motion, Balance, Stability and Endurance.

The Kinvent test equipment has various testing and training options:

Dual Force plate for jump analysis

Myometer for force measurement

EMG measurement

Push/Pull force

ROM measurement

All controlled from a clear and easy-to-use revolutionary app and available in different packages that suit your required use.
Kinvent Physio technologies are lightweight, wireless, accurate and easy to use. The results can be viewed immediately via smartphone or tablet with the Kinvent Physio app. Appropriate games for training are also offered there. These integrate the training performance of the athletes/patients in real time. The training becomes an entertaining game unit and the training time flies by.

Interested? We will gladly come buy to show the possibilities with a free demo!