Zebris Rehawalk

Zebris Rehawalk

The treadmill-assisted zebris Rehawalk® system is designed for the analysis and treatment of gait disorders in neurological, orthopedic and geriatric rehabilitation. The training can be carried out when using an unweighting system and thus also allows for patients who are suffering from severe functional limitations to commence therapy even at an early stage. The technological possibilities of Rehawalk® offer a complete adaptation to the patient's needs: from patients in wheelchairs over those with reduced mobility to the ones being capable of walking – the components can be adjusted to any application orientating themselves at the therapist. Rehawalk® thus is positioned between the robot-assisted locomotion therapy and the manual gait therapy.

pressure sensors in the treadmill measure the current, perhaps incorrect, gait pattern

software can correct this individual gait pattern and gradually normalize it

projection of the normalized step pattern on the treadmill

patient is instructed to step on his projected, corrected footsteps

motivating biofeedback with cognitive functions while the patient is walking in a virtual environment
The Rehawalk system can also be installed later, modularly, in an existing H/P Cosmos Robowalk treadmill. What makes spreading possible over different budget years.