RBM - Cyclus2 - Recumbent eccentric trainer 2022

RBM - Cyclus2 - Recumbent eccentric trainer 2022

Meet the newest version of the Recumbent eccentric trainer:
Now supporting Eccentric and Concentric excercises!!!!!

Eccentric exercise training is widely known to initiate muscular hypertrophy and consequent eccentric strength gains. Moreover a number of recent studies (Gerber et al. 2007; LaStayo et al. 2000 and Gross et al., 2010; Leong et al. 2013) have demonstrated that eccentric cycling training can cause significant hypertrophy in the active muscle. In particular Leong et al. (2013) found a significantly increased maximum cycling power following an 8-week eccentric cycling training intervention. These outstanding results but also consistent requests from customers caused RBM elektronik-automation GmbH to develop an eccentric high performance cycling ergometer.

Experience the unique benefits of eccentric cycling! High intensity work with lower metabolic cost to increase concentric and eccentric muscle strength for more power production.

Typical applications:

Strength training

Coordination training and fall protection

COPD and cardiac rehabilitation

Cruciate ligament rupture and replacement rehabilitation

Post Covid rehabilitation

Bidirectional 10 to 100 RPM

Maximum power output up to 1000 watts from 40 to 100 RPM

Low cadences with high workloads

Smooth accelerations

Eccentric exercises in isokinetic and constant power mode

Concentric exercises in isokinetic mode

Mixed load profiles backward/forward, eccentric/concentric and isokinetic/power

Feedback display

Export feature for research